
Updated Share Settings for Leagues/Divisions/Teams

Submitted by Frank on 01/09/2011

I'd like to introduce the most flexible sharing system we've ever had at TomorrowsPro. In older versions, teams would be stuck with a few options for setting their sharing options. Now you can pick exactly which groups can see which pages.

Heres how it works:

Set the Main Sharing Option

If you would like to set any of the specific share options to public, the team page must be public. This setting trumps all other settings. If this is not set to public, no one outside of your league/division/team will be able to see any piece of your team page. When you do change this setting to "Public", all of the sub-sharing options or section options below will have to be set to public for those pieces to be visible on the public page. If you had already set some of the options to public, they will be visible to the public at this time.

Set which groups can see which pages

The following groups have been created: (Only Team and Public options are available for individual teams)

  • League Officials
  • League Coaches
  • League Members
  • Division Officials
  • Division Coaches
  • Division Members
  • Team Coaches
  • Team Members
  • Public

When using these groups you should look for a few things. The system automatically recognizes that some of these groups are actually included in other groups. If you select team members, you will also be selecting team coaches. If you select public, you are actually selecting every group.

Sharing View for Individual Team

Sharing View for Leagues, Divisions and Division Teams

Who gets access through "League Members" and "Divisions Members"?

One important distinction to make is with the different levels of access. If you select "Division Members" then division pages can only be seen by members of that division. Members of other divisions will only have access to their own division pages. If you select "League Members" the division pages can be seen any member of any of the divisions in that league. The same methodology works for teams that roll up into divisions.

Restrict Stats Access for Parents to their Children

Submitted by Frank on 06/21/2010

If you would like to restrict access to stats so parents can see stats for all of their children and players can only see their own stats follow these steps. 1. Set your team's share settings to "Most Private" 2. Add Parents to your team roster and associate them to their children. (See this blog post for more information - Give Parents Access to your Team and their Children) 3. Here is the view of the team stats from an admins point of view: 4. Here is the view of the team stats from a parent's point of view. To be specific, this is John Trava's point of view. You can see from section 2 of this post that he is the parent of Frank Kessler and Frank Taylor.

Give Parents Access to your Team and their Children

Submitted by Frank on 06/21/2010

Many coaches have had to make the decision of making their team public and opening it up to the world to give parents access to the team pages. Coaches now have the access of adding parents to the "Parent Roster". This special roster allows coaches to associate parents to their children and restrict stats access to their children's stats if they wish.

Here is a screenshot of the "Parent Roster" page:

1. These "Remove" links allow you to remove individual associations between a parent and a player.

2. These "Add" links allow you to add a new parent-player link

3. These "Remove" links will remove the parent and all associations

Parents will have the same access as players. They will be able to see the roster, schedule, and stats by default. They share the same access level so taking away access for parents will also take it away from players. These types of access changes can be made on the "Edit Stats" page.

See Restrict Stats Access for Parents to their Children for more information about setting permissions for parents.

Updates to Sharing Options

Submitted by Frank on 02/16/2009

Our integration with Facebook Connect last month created some extra sharing options. We've updated our sharing page so you can now share seasons to only your Facebook Friends. It's also easier to set sharing defaults for new seasons. Here is a screen shot of the new updated sharing page: